Ollie is always here to answer your call at any time of day.
Meet Ollie, UnitedOne Credit Union's virtual assistant. He's here on the phone whenever you need him to be.
Ollie can do things like check your account balance, make a money transfer, look up a deposit status, and help you with many other basic banking needs.
UnitedOne strives to give our members the newest innovations and options for how they can communicate with us. Ollie's knowledge and responses will grow with every interaction, so every time you ask Ollie a question, you help make him better.
Dial (920) 684-0361 in Manitowoc or (920) 451-8222 in Sheboygan to have Ollie help you with your basic banking needs.
Use your voice as your password with Ollie voice authentication.
Voice authentication is safer than a pin number, more secure than a password, and the fastest way to access your accounts with Ollie!
How to Enroll
Call or text us at (920) 684-0361 in Manitowoc or (920) 451-8222 in Sheboygan or email us at mail@UnitedOne.org.
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